
 Hello, and welcome to our website! The Red Roof Ranch is located in southern Minnesota, on 20 acres, half of which is wooded. Our family consists of myself (Roberta), my husband Aaron, and our four children that range in ages from 2 to 17.

We homeschool our children, which we began doing in the fall of 2007. Like many other families that homeschool, we find that it has its up and downs, good days and bad, but overall it is a very positive and rewarding experience. Each year that passes, brings more confidence in our ability to school at home, and more certainty that it is the right thing to be doing.

It was also the fall of 2007, that we began raising our beautiful Icelandic sheep. We started with 4 in September, added 3 more two weeks later, and then another 3 in the beginning of October. We were, without a doubt, smitten with these lovely creatures. The following spring, I had the chance to expand our flock again, when Tongue River Farm held their flock dispersal sale. We added 6 pregnant ewes to our original 10,  which put us into the realm of having an actual flock, in terms of numbers. Currently, we lamb out about 22 adult ewes each spring, and we use about four breeding rams each season.

We have also recently added two lovely Quarter Horse mares, Daisy and Ruby. We have been without horses in our lives for a few years now, and I am so very pleased to be able to own them, once again. We will likely add a couple more this summer, as the whole family is looking forward to doing some training and trail riding.

There are a few other critters that call this place home, including our family dog, four cats, and two chickens. I would like to add a few more chickens, some ducks and maybe a couple of pigs, later this year. 

We also tend to very large vegetable and flower gardens during the growing season, and you can find us "peddling our wares" at the Owatonna Farmers Market on most Saturdays, between June and October.

Again, thank you for stopping by our little corner of the web. If you have any questions about us or our little ranch, please drop us an email.